Tag Archives: android issues

Samsung Galaxy S8
MobileTips & Tricks

What to do when Kies is not connecting to your Samsung phone

There’s no doubt that Samsung Kies is one amazing program, allowing you to easily manage all the content on your handset. As you probably know, in order to use it, the first thing you need to do is connect the...

How to recover deleted photos from Instagram
MobileTips & Tricks

How to recover deleted pictures from Instagram

Over the past years, Instagram recorded an amazing growth, becoming one of the top social media networks of the moment. Some people even forgot about Facebook and moved on Insta completely, where they’re sharing photos, videos and stories. Considering the...

Play mob files on Android
MobileTips & Tricks

How to play mov files on Android devices

You’ve probably come across mov files until now. It’s a media format developed by Apple, compatible with Macintosh and Windows, but not that Android friendly. However, if you want to play mov files on Android, there’s no need to be...

My Samsung phone keeps restarting

My Samsung phone keeps restarting. How to fix this?

Samsung makes some pretty amazing smartphones, but none of them are perfect. Actually, no smartphone ever made can be considered perfect! From time to time, they're dealing with some annoying issues, making users feel frustrated, especially if the issues don't...

Change your Google Play account

How to change your Google Play account

When you're setting up a new Android phone, you're using the same account for all of Google's services, like Google Play, YouTube, Photos and so on. However, sometimes, due to various reasons, you will be forced to change the account...

Android apps

What is the RootPA app and how it can affect me?

You just got a new phone and, despite not running on stock Android, you're still completely in love with it. However, you're very curious to see what additional apps are running on it, since you've heard a lot about these...

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