Tag Archives: ios

Block and unblock phone number
MobileTips & Tricks

How to unblock a phone number in a few simple steps

Sometimes, it just happens. You need to block a number that keeps calling you for various reasons. The worst part is when this happens to a number of somebody you actually now… But things get back to the normal path...

Search iMessages
MobileTips & Tricks

How to search iMessages on iPhone

We’ve reached a moment in which people prefer sending a text instead of calling, so most of us end up with a huge number of texts on our smartphones. In a situation like this, finding a specific message, like one...

Add movies to iTunes
MobileTips & Tricks

How to add movies to iTunes 12 library

Usually, adding movies to iTunes, so you can watch them on your iPhone, iPad or any other iDevice can be pretty easy. However, after updating the software to its latest version, iTunes 12, it seems almost impossible to add some...

How to put MP3 files on iPhone
MobileTips & Tricks

How to put MP3 files on iPhone

When it comes to adding your favorite music on an iPhone, things can be a bit complicated. Basically, the process is a bit different than on an Android handset, since you don’t just transfer the MP3 files in the memory...

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